Will Barbara Walters keep funny lady Joy Behar around or opt to keep the delusional Elisabeth Hasselbeck?
That decision may have to be made soon!
A new report in the Chicago Sun-Times claims that the tension between Behar and Elizabitch is getting unbearable.
Apparently the two aren't speaking to each other, only when they're on air or a camera is present.
It seems their screaming matches backstage have been escalating, primarily because of their very different views on the upcoming elections.
And Hasselbeck is said to be furious at the fact that Joy has been doing impersonations of her from the Florida rally this past weekend, even wearing a shiteous green coat.
Joy even tried to poke fun at Elizabitch by saying that it doesn't matter if Sarah Palin spends $150,000 on a shopping spree, because she said jokingly, "Elisabeth spends that much in a month!"
But it seems Hasselbeck is growing tired of this and is complaining to producers and Walters.
It's a tough choice, but, we say….
Keep Elisabeth! She's the only exciting thing on The View these days.