Literary agents were queuing up to sign Palin to a book deal that could earn her up to $US7 million, The Times reported.
The recent election campaign was sure to result in hundreds of books by journalists and politicians, but “Palin’s personal account of her tumultuous introduction to national politics” would be the most lucrative story, it said.
“Every publisher and a lot of literary agents have been going after her,” said Jeff Klein of Folio Literary management.
“She’s poised to make a ton of money,” public relations expert Howard Rubenstein said.
A spokesman for publisher Random House told the New York Post: “There are several of our imprints who are eager to talk to Governor Palin. She clearly has a constituency and we know books by conservatively-centred politicos usually sell very, very well.”
Canberra Times
While it is true that Sarah came into the spotlight relatively unknown, and we’re all kind of curious about her credentials and background, what I’d really like to read is a book written by those people within the republican party who snitched on her in the days following the election. The ‘she doesn’t know what Africa is’ guy, and the one who blabbed that her clothing and make-up budget was actually higher than the $20,000+ a week she spent. I definitely want to see all those clothes!
The Times suggests that she is following in Obama’s footsteps, whose Audacity of Hope book was what they call his springboard to the presidency. Letting us know about herself, and gaining some sympathy for being a working mother, and showing some sort of intelligence, could easily lead into a ticket at the next presidential election.
It is also suggested that talk shows and other opportunities have been offered to Sarah Palin. They say the book deal will be finalized by the end of the month.
Note by Celebitchy: Apparently the “Palin doesn’t know Africa is a continent” story was planted by an outsider operative and wasn’t one of the stories leaked by the Republican camp that worked with her.
Photos are from the Sarah Palin 2009 calendar, thanks to Fame. Photo update: more pictures added.