Entertainment Tonight, quoting an unidentified source, said Jayden James was rushed to the emergency room on Sunday when he became ill during the trip and was admitted overnight.
People magazine, quoting a source close to the family, said Jayden had suffered "a terrible allergic reaction. He had hives, was itchy and irritable."
But the source said Jayden "is doing fine" and Spears and her mother, Lynne, spent the night at the hospital with him.
Britain's Daily Mail reported that the toddler suffered an apparent seizure at the family home in Kentwood, Louisiana, and was rushed to the Southwest Mississippi Regional Medical Center in Mississippi.
A spokeswoman for the clinic declined to comment when asked about the report, and Spears' Los Angeles-based agent was not immediately available to comment.
Photographers outside the hospital took pictures of Spears' family coming and going there.
The trip marked the first time 26-year-old Spears had been allowed to leave California with sons Sean Preston, 3, and Jayden since their father Kevin Federline was given full custody in July.
Source: http://www.reuters.com/