Word is out that Sarah Palin may be a TV star. You know, if the Vice President thing doesn't work out on November 4. She's already locked herself into the media with all the coverage she's getting on the campaign trail and at Saturday Night Live. Heck, we at Famecrawler love her, too. And according to the Hollywood Reporter, "producers and agents across the entertainment world" want Sarah to star in a daytime talk show, news program, or reality TV series.

Nobody has made her an offer yet. I'm sure they'll wait until after the election. It's McCain's sliding poll numbers that have producers frothing at the mouth, though. The favorite idea is a talk show similar to Oprah's. If not that, then a Sean Hannity-type news and opinion show. In third place is the reality show idea - sort of "The Osbournes meets Northern Exposure."