"When I first saw her (Palin), I didn't think we looked alike at all," Fey, 38, tells the latest issue of TV Guide, which hits newsstands October 23. "Then during the convention, I started to think, 'OK, maybe a little.'"
Despite propelling "Saturday Night Live" to ratings success after her appearances on the show in recent weeks, the "30 Rock" creator and actress says she still doesn't feel she has mastered the impression of the famous hockey mom turned politician.
"I expected people to be like, 'Ahhh, we thought it'd be better than that.' I stand by the pieces as both fair and quite gentle…We glue my ears down. That's one of the tricks," Fey tells the magazine.
"I'll tell you, that lady is five times better-looking than I am. She's 44? She's got none of that droopy s---. She's keeping it tight!"