Miley Cyrus isn't confirming her relationship with 20-year-old underwear model and aspiring
"I'm totally gushing right now!" she added.
The 15-year-old admits that when the two started hanging out last month, she didn't appreciate everyone putting their two cents in about the relationship. "After my last two years, there's been a lot of things that happened, so I've learned just not to judge anyone and go into our friendship with an open mind and not really worry about the age or anything," she explained.
Despite the significant age difference, Cyrus said that the Cyrus and Gaston families aren't judging the pair, especially because Gaston works with her dad, Billy Ray Cyrus, who "thinks he's cool." She added, "Our families are like, 'Whatever happens, happens.' If he's nothing but a really good friend, that's awesome.
"More than anything, he's really helped me move on from a lot of things," she said. "He's a really great Christian guy. He's gone through stuff, and I've gone through stuff, and everyone goes through that. I think it's really awesome that we have that in common — that we can talk about it and that we can understand [each other]. ... He gets it."
The biggest issue that Cyrus sees when it comes to her maybe dating Gaston isn't the age difference or the speculation about their relationship — it's his good looks. "That's what would be hard about dating him!" she replied. "It's like, if [we ever broke up], who are you gonna go to after that?"