Anne Hathaway told Access Hollywood earlier this month, "I'm ready to move on" from ex-boyfriend Raffaello Follieri, who plead guilty to 14 counts of conspiracy, wire fraud and money laundering in September -- and it appears the actress has kept her word and found a lucky Los Angeles man that she fancies.
"This guy I know in LA is kind of doing it for me right now... When I think of sexy, I think of him," Anne told People at the "Rachel Getting Married" premiere in London on Monday night.
"You know when sometimes you don't know someone very well - you'll probably never see them again - but you just meet them and you're like 'WOW, you really have it going on?'"
Though Anne has found a new object of affection, she said she is still on the market.
"I'm totally single right now," she said of the unnamed mystery man. "But I happened to meet a sexy guy the other day."
Anne might be keeping mum on the identity of the new man in her life, but the actress is willing to talk about how excited she is to be working with another new guy in her life -- Johnny Depp.

"I hope I don't faint. I'm wearing a corset which is difficult enough, but then to have to wear a corset and be short-breathed around Johnny Depp?" the actress, who is starring with Depp in Tim Burton's upcoming "Alice in Wonderland," told the mag.
If Anne should succumb to either costume or Johnny Depp-related fainting, it appears she'll have a plethora of people to help her back on her feet.