Michael also said he was in deep conversation on the phone with his daughter recently and heard Sam in the background enticing her to hang up.
Last week, Lindsay hit back at "Girls Gone Wild" founder Joe Francis over his comment that Ronson was "controlling" Lohan. Michael Lohan and Francis both have said that they don't believe Lindsay is gay.
Michael says Joe is a "good person" who cares deeply about Lindsay.
"He wasn't a bad guy when he flew Lindsay around on his jet, opened the doors to his home or tried to help, was he?" Michael said. "Of course not, because SaMANtha wasn't around."
Lohan said his baby girl could do much better when it comes to finding a lover.
"There is a lot more to Samantha then meets the eyes, not that what we see is too pleasing anyway! I mean, what's with this ... "person"??? Look at the way she "dresses"? Once more, she uses her middle finger more than she uses words! Personally, I think she is dark, hideous and a disgusting representation of humanity," Lohan wrote.
"God will weed her out of Lindsay's life and at that time, you will finally see Lindsay back in the place where she belongs," he continued. "Not doing independent films, guest starring on [a] TV show, being a guest judge on a reality TV show or making appearances at Samantha's DJ gigs. Is this the Lindsay we all knew and loved before Samantha came into her life? No!!! When she got out of Cirque Lodge everything looked good until Samantha came on the 'scene.'"
Although Dina Lohan, Lindsay's mother, publicly praises Samantha, Michael said that privately, his ex-wife certainly does not. He said Dina called him two weeks ago to say Lindsay was very upset as Ronson was threatening to write a tell-all book about their private life. (Michael claims to have the conversation on tape.) Dina could not be reached for comment.
But the one thing everyone wants to know is why Michael continues to talk about Lindsay's personal business.
"Lindsay is my daughter. I am her father first and not a friend or an enabler," he responded. "After the death of my dad, (her grandfather) and all the things I continue to hear and see, I am compelled to speak out. The Lindsay I knew never would have missed his wake or funeral. But since being around Samantha, she has become a different person.
"If Samantha or 'anyone' wants to blog me or has anything to say, let them, to my face. Otherwise, if they want to be the sneaky, lying, parasites they are, I am ready to really spill the beans, and I won't stop until this dark, evil nemesis is out of Lindsay's life."
Reps for Ronson and Lindsay did not respond for comment.
Meanwhile, on Monday night, the duo offered what seemed to be the first public confession that they are lovers. Loveline radio host Ted Stryker asked how long they've been together, and Lindsay responded, "A long, long time."
Source: http://www.foxnews.com/