Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Britney Spears: The Sexy "Womanizer" Cover

We're 90 (maybe even 95) percent sure this is fake, but this alleged cover for Britney Spears' forthcoming single, "Womanizer," is making the rounds online.

The UK's The Sun is reporting: Britney's bosses are using these shots to promote her comeback single Womanizer. Dressed in sexy leather dominatrix gear and holding a whip, the singer is pictured leaning over a scantily-clad hunk.

Fake or not, this makes us want to buy her new album, Circus.

Well, actually, we wouldn't go that far. But the fantasy of getting ransacked by a smoking hot, S&M-clad Britney Spears is sure to make your afternoon.

Just make sure your boss isn't looking ...
